XYO Network
XYO - Oracle's First Proof Of Location Blockchain Network

The XYO Network is the first oracle network of Proof of Location Blockchain networks. Join us in the decentralization of the location-dependent trading market, which amounts to $ 11 trillion (more than 3x larger than eCommerce)
Blockchain Development Can Be Established With The Physical World As If It Is An API
Location data is used throughout the day, every day around the world.
We are all becoming increasingly dependent on location data and self-propelled vehicles, unmanned aircraft delivery packages, and smart cities in the future will significantly increase their dependence on them.
The greatest limiting factor facing the world today in advancing us into the future of more efficient technology is in direct proportion to our ability to trust location data.
"The need for a hard-to-treat system to complement GPS has been known for years.A highly accurate and reliable GPS, but the jams, spoofing, cyber attacks and other forms of distraction seem to increase in frequency and severity have the potential to destroy the effect on our lives and economic activities."
- President of the RNT Foundation, Dana Goward
Our current location technology is too inadequate to move us into the future..
The XYO Network is the answer to this problem.
The XYO network makes location data without confidence possible through the technological ecosystem and the crypto-location protocol necessary to bridge the gap from today's world, to the future world
Welcome To The Future
"XYO Is The Newest Breakthrough in Blockchain Technology And Could Be Bigger Than Bitcoin and Ethereum Combined"
Every so often a new technology arrives that changes the way we live. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in the late 19th century, he lit up the world. And we haven’t lived the same since.
When the Wright brothers became the first to achieve flight at the turn of the last century, it changed how we traveled the globe. When the Internet became mainstream in the 90's, the whole world became connected.
And now a new technology has arrived which will once again change the way we live and shake institutions like banks and governments to their core while doing so.
If you thought Bitcoin and Ethereum have rocked the world, you need to brace yourself for what's coming next.
This new breakthrough is set to be bigger than both of them combined. It’s going to change the lives of millions of people in every corner of the world and tap into the untouched markets, each worth more than a staggering $11 trillion per year

Here Is The Real Things Looking
For because of the progress we’ve made, we can track things, from jewelry to cars, to real-time timely locations.
This is because everything in the world is determined by their XYZT coordinates; These things can not stand the space.
As people or objects travel along their T (time) coordinates, they interact with each other, creating what is called metadata. A simple example of this is two or more people in a meeting or conversation. Conversation is a recording of interaction.
In the case of the XYO Network, we take this interaction as a signature time between these two parties – two people taking selfie, two selfie prayers, entering each other, and each taking it. The resulting metadata is now also the relationship between the two entities; This is the core protocol that underlies the XYO Network platform and is viewed regularly later.
But first, what does all this mean, because XYO Network’s meeting on innovation is intertwined with the development of blockchain, we can introduce one of the most exciting ideas in today’s blockchain

The First Decentralized Cryptographic Network Built For The Future World
Network XYOinkan existence. To identify an object is in certain XY coordinates. If yes, someone can set up an application that performs transactions on smart contract.
It has opened up a new world of possibilities. The application of such technology is unlimited.
Take for example eCommerce Company. With the XYO network, they can now offer their premium customer-after-shipping payment services. To be able to offer this service, the eCommerce company will utilize the XYO Network (which uses XYO Tokens) to write smart contracts.
The XYO network can then track the location of packets sent to consumers throughout each stage of compliance; from the warehouse shelf to the shipping courier, right down to the consumer’s home and every location on. This can allow e-commerce retailers and websites to verify, in an unbelievable way, whether the package not only appears on the customer’s doorstep, but also safely within their home.
Once the packet arrives at the customer’s home (shipping and verified by a certain XY-Coordinate), the shipment is done and the payment to the vendor will be released. The eCommerce integration of the XNO network enables the ability to protect merchants from fraud and the property of the consumer goods that arrive at their home.
This means ecommerce stores like Amazon.com can use the XYO Network to send customers only through the product upon arrival at their home.
It’s just scratching the surface…

XYO has the infrastructure to build the world’s first decentralized verification system location: starting with more than 1 million Bluetooth & GPS devices used by people around the world. This, along with crypto information technology allows us to bring blockchain to the real world. XYO Network is ready to do this on a large and global scale.
With that, we are happy to announce we will be opening XYO Tokens for purchase in the coming weeks. Our Generation XYO Token event is the only time XYO Tokens will be sold and sold directly from us to all the world.
After the XYO Token Generation event ends (within weeks of starting, and possibly faster depending on transaction activity), any unsold Token of XYO will be burned forever, creating true incentives and opportunities for those who participate during the sale of the upcoming token. (in March 2018).
After that, the only time XYO Token will be available is with the current, which is not needed or guaranteed by using XYO Token.
As people who have other cryptoes will tell you, it’s important to join the crypto cause you believe in, and get in early! We guarantee people who believe in us early and join us in bringing the blockchain to the expensive world as it should, with discounts and other opportunities.
With our Pre-sale personal Tokens taking off before we’re ready (literally), we’ve decided to launch a whitelisted waiting list. Those who register for the first time will be notified of XYO Token sale openings at the lowest price.
Take a breakthrough in blockchain history: bring blockchain to the real world.
We look forward to working for you and developing the XOng Network to be one of the most exciting blockchain technologies ever.
Bitcoin Is Just A Small Fraction Of What's To Come
When Bitcoin arrived in 2009, it transformed how people carried out transactions online. It made online transactions safer, faster and more efficient; millions of people around the world started using and investing in it.
Today the combined market value of all digital currencies is over $400 billion… and some experts predict Bitcoin alone could hit the $1 trillion mark by the end of the year.
But why is this revolution happening in the first place?
It's primarily due to the technology at the foundation of it all, a breakthrough called "blockchain".
Blockchain, the fundamental technology underlying Bitcoin, eliminates the need for trust because it makes all transactions transparent, decentralized and secure. It has quite literally revolutionized online commerce.
People can now transact without knowing one another in what are called "trustless" transactions. There’s no need for a trusted third-party to settle disputes. People can send money from one person to another without a bank sitting in-between, taking a fee.
Token Sale

Join us in our commitment to build a decentralized world.
XY has been building towards an open world of location-verification since 2012 by launching a successful Bluetooth-GPS consumer business critical to understanding and building a real-world location network. Today, XY has over 1,00,000 beacons across the world.
XY Releases The XY4+ Device
XY releases the XY4+ device which makes it capable of operating as an XYO Network node via firmware update.
XY’s Blockchain-Based Oracle Network Is Born
Development of moving the internal XY location network platform to an open blockchain implementation begins: the XY Oracle Network is born.
XY Mints The First “XYO Token” to Be Used For Smart Contracts to Access the XYO Network
The first XYO Token is created and represents the official currency to be used throughout the entire XYO Network.
XY to Complete API for Smart Contract Developers to Interact With the XY Oracle Network
Release of the XYO Network API that enables smart contract developers to write contracts to interact with XY’s network. Libraries to be developed: Ethereum Solidity Library, Ethereum Viper Library and JavaScript library for websites to interact with the XYO Network (similar to the Web3.js integration with MetaMask).
XY to Grow Global Network of Diversified Location Sentinel Devices
Grow coverage of XY Sentinels (location data providers and verifiers) as well as other components of the XY Oracle Network (Bridges, Archivists, Diviners).
XY to Onboard Larger Businesses, Organizations and Retail Companies That Have Use-Cases for Location Verification
Formalize business partnerships with enterprises and larger entities, which can benefit from a decentralized, trustless location oracle (e.g. logistics systems, supply chain companies, work hour auditoras, eCommerce businesses and countless other niches).
XY Releases Ground-Breaking GPS Tracking Device: The “XYGPS”
XY launches the world’s first hybrid GPS and Bluetooth technology enabled device. The XYGPS is able to report its location anywhere in the world where Cellular and GPS data is available.
XY Crosses The 1,000,000 Beacon Mark
The one-millionth XY device is born.
XY to Complete XYO on Test Network (”XY TestNet”)
XY will complete the development of the XY Oracle Testnet and begin rolling out its location-focused blockchain protocol to its Sentinel devices.
XY to Launch XY Oracle Main Network (”XY MainNet”)
XY will issue a complete roll out of the XY Oracle Network to XY its Sentinel beacons and start tests with new Sentinel partners (specifically IoT companies and mobile app developers).
XY to Release XY Sticker-Based Trackers, Which Can Be Added to eCommerce Packages
Launch the “XY-Stick” product which enables eCommerce retailers to track every single one of their products in realtime.
XY to Launch SatoshiXY and VitalikXY LEO Satellite Sentinels
Stakes will be sold in the XYO Network’s Low Earth Orbit satellites; stakes represent ownership in the piece of the XYO Token rewards.

XY to Expand Global Reach of Entire XY Oracle Network
For More Information:
Website: https://xyo.network/index.html
Whitepaper: https://xyo.network/whitepaper/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xyonetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XYOracleNetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/xyonetwork
My Bitcointalk Profile : Mbladur
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