Blockchain For Financial Markets Applications and Services

The Blockchain and digital currency world has paved way to a whole new understanding of decentralization.
This does not just pose a challenge to the traditional perspective of financial transactions but also focuses on eliminating the loopholes attached with the traditional financial system.
This goes to prove how advanced the blockchain technology has gone, and also how it has been able to diminish global boundaries by offering a chance at having an alternate and improved future for the whole world.
Though the blockchain technology is still at its initial phase, and encounters several hitches in terms of quality of its service, ease of use, and performance, every generation of Blockchain is innovative, which makes it a better choice. The main force behind the Blockchain technology is how it has been able to utilize a decentralized system. However, the lack of a realworld application, and business and technological limitations, has been one of the drawbacks to the full adoption of the Blockchain technology.
Qompass thrives to provide solutions to the hitches commonly faced by the earlier generations of Blockchain, and also offers an even more innovative platform that can help in creating a bridge that connects the world together.
With the growing importance of digital currencies in our world today, the Qompass platform offers the latest generation of cryptocurrency fanatics and average investors an unlimited access to funding pools that utilize the global financial network, which are working their way towards incorporating this innovative and revolutionary monetary exchange system. These financial systems or banks are the first in their league to accept the Blockchain technology as the future of monetary exchanges. As a Qompass platform subscriber, you can enjoy leveraged funds that add up to 100 times your invested deposit. You can also enjoy liquidity pools as well as cross exchange trading with a single account.
Incorporated on the Qompass Blockchain is Qompass Trader technology, which moves it further to the next level by offering subscribers the best of both worlds. Qompass Trader also puts in the fingertips of subscribers the ability to convert crypto holdings into fiat currency at any POS or ATM worldwide at all times, using Qompass payment cards. The success of the Qompass platform, as well as the Qompass Blockchain, can be attributed to its connections with the financial market and the powerful interlinking of exchanges around the world.
Qompass mobile App in itself is an end to end financial management platform that offers capabilities as the most secured hybrid wallet,with dynamic trading governed by artificial intelligence and support for multi-transactions.
Qompass Mobile App now makes trading of crypto absolutely faster, cheaper and easier.

Hybrid Debit Card and hardware Wallet.The Qompass card is one of its kind hybrid debit card and a wallet that allows instant access to the blockchain.

To be a qualified and successful trader, you would require market analysis based on historical price action , events and tools to help you take informed decisions to trade further. Qompass suite of applications offers you the ability to analyse historic market data, market sentiments, credit and operational risks associated with every instrument and forecasting of financial markets based on these powerful analysis. Qompass dedicated blockchain ensures the speed and security of analysis being done for the trader to take well informed decisions. This platform is made extremely secure with the help of smart contract and leaves no room for financial markets and trade date manipulation.
Qompass Trader Tools(Subscription only):
Qompass P2P Exchange and Financing Platform:

We have developed secure blockchain with smart contracting capabilities to update traditional financial markets, faster transactions, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence to secure explorer, and to speed up transactions.

Qompass is introducing a New way to earn passive income on your Crypto investments. Earn up to 300% Per Month on your crypto ( Leveraged , NON leveraged ROI up to 30% - Cryptocurrencies can have swings of over 20% in a day ) . Using advanced Artificial intelligence and Neural network Algorithms combined with active leverage. Investors in the MCA program are able to earn such stress free income on their crypto holdings. This is a service that is traditionally only available to the ulta High net worth investors, it’s a risk free way of investing mainly used in arbitrage trading. An investor’s funds are held in his own account as proof of ability and then the trader mirrors these funds with own assets. This gives the investor peace of mind knowing that his funds are under no risk as funds remain in the same account. The profits are sometimes guaranteed or on best efforts depending on the nature of the trading.
Qompass is introducing this same concept for crypto investors. with the help of smart contracts, funds remain in your own wallet monitored continuously by the smart contract. We will them mirror your funds with our own reserve funds and subscribe you to the Managed crypto program. All profits are deposited in your Qompass wallet and once the smart contract deducts the performance fee and other contractual fees you are then able to withdraw your profits to an external wallet. Subscribers to the Qompass Ico will be able to enter into program at the Ico price of $0.8 per token , others will have to buy in at a higher price.
Current investment and trading platform are centralized where they have control over your funds. They hold your private and public key of your wallet. These platform can disappear with your funds and you could do nothing but scratch your head. Qompass solves the problem where you deposit your funds to a centralized platform which posses risk of disappearance and fraud. Qompass blockchain is totally decentralized where you hold control of your own wallet and that wallet is mirrored with Qompass wallet/account by Qompass API’s and services. (Link from your own wallet to Qompass wallet) . The investor holds his own funds and simply has the account linked to the API for mirroring and monitoring by the smart contract.
Here is how Qompass trading works. Your funds in QPS, ETH, BTC, stays in your own wallet. You use Qompass API VIA Qompass trader to merry your wallet to Qompass trading platform which has mirrored your account with the funds available in your wallet ( an image of your wallet). A snapshot is periodically taken to ensure funds are still present in your wallet as you have to keep funds in your wallet during trading, moving funds will automatically void the contract. Qompass does not have access to funds in your wallet. You can withdraw your funds anytime you want from your original wallet. When you use Qompass trading platform, you cannot move your funds or else your booked trade is terminated. The profits you make from trading is automatically deposited to your trading wallets after the minimal performance fee and other costs. It then enables you to withdraw the amount to your external wallet.
Qompass is introducing a new way of earning passive income on your Crypto deposit. Earn up to 300%(LEVERAGED) OR 30% NON LEVERAGED per month on your deposit. Using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network algorithms combined with active leverage, investors in the MCA program are able to earn a stress-free income on their crypto holdings.

#TokenSale #ICO #QPS
Though the blockchain technology is still at its initial phase, and encounters several hitches in terms of quality of its service, ease of use, and performance, every generation of Blockchain is innovative, which makes it a better choice. The main force behind the Blockchain technology is how it has been able to utilize a decentralized system. However, the lack of a realworld application, and business and technological limitations, has been one of the drawbacks to the full adoption of the Blockchain technology.
Qompass thrives to provide solutions to the hitches commonly faced by the earlier generations of Blockchain, and also offers an even more innovative platform that can help in creating a bridge that connects the world together.
With the growing importance of digital currencies in our world today, the Qompass platform offers the latest generation of cryptocurrency fanatics and average investors an unlimited access to funding pools that utilize the global financial network, which are working their way towards incorporating this innovative and revolutionary monetary exchange system. These financial systems or banks are the first in their league to accept the Blockchain technology as the future of monetary exchanges. As a Qompass platform subscriber, you can enjoy leveraged funds that add up to 100 times your invested deposit. You can also enjoy liquidity pools as well as cross exchange trading with a single account.
Incorporated on the Qompass Blockchain is Qompass Trader technology, which moves it further to the next level by offering subscribers the best of both worlds. Qompass Trader also puts in the fingertips of subscribers the ability to convert crypto holdings into fiat currency at any POS or ATM worldwide at all times, using Qompass payment cards. The success of the Qompass platform, as well as the Qompass Blockchain, can be attributed to its connections with the financial market and the powerful interlinking of exchanges around the world.

Qompass mobile App in itself is an end to end financial management platform that offers capabilities as the most secured hybrid wallet,with dynamic trading governed by artificial intelligence and support for multi-transactions.
Qompass ecosystem offers multiple capabilities to its consumers and all these capabilities can be made available to you by just having a Qompass Mobile App installed on your smartphone. Single sign in functionality incorporated into the app to enable all the services for you without having a need to create separate accounts to access different products offered on the Qompass platform.
- Ultimate Power at your fingertips
Transfer of funds is extremely easy, fast and almost free using Qompass Mobile App. You can transact Qompass currency “QPS” absolutely free of cost and others currencies like BTC or ETH with very minimal charges.
- Sending money
Qompass empowers individuals to exchange currencies like FIAT <->Crypto by offering peer to peer (P2P) exchange capability and eliminate any middleman involvement.
- Exchange money
Qompass Mobile App now makes trading of crypto absolutely faster, cheaper and easier.

Hybrid Debit Card and hardware Wallet.The Qompass card is one of its kind hybrid debit card and a wallet that allows instant access to the blockchain.
The Qompass card is one of its kind hybrid debit card and a wallet that allows instant access to the blockchain.
- How it works
The card is equipped with NFC. You can use the card at ATMs and POS worldwide or simply use it to store your crypto investments. This card initially will support Ethereum Tokens as well as QPS.You can use the Qompass at ATMs to withdraw Fiat currencies, at Point of Sale (PoS), and in online shopping.
- Where it works
The Qompass card will be available through Strategic Partners worldwide as well as through Online Merchants.
- World Wide Access
Personal information is not stored on the card. In case of loss, the card can easily be unlinked from your account through the Qompass Mobile App.
- Security And Anonimity

To be a qualified and successful trader, you would require market analysis based on historical price action , events and tools to help you take informed decisions to trade further. Qompass suite of applications offers you the ability to analyse historic market data, market sentiments, credit and operational risks associated with every instrument and forecasting of financial markets based on these powerful analysis. Qompass dedicated blockchain ensures the speed and security of analysis being done for the trader to take well informed decisions. This platform is made extremely secure with the help of smart contract and leaves no room for financial markets and trade date manipulation.
Qompass Trader Tools(Subscription only):
Aggregation of services is essential to deliver value to end users and Qompass can be compared with Uber in this regard. Through a set of API, Qompass links major enterprises and private traders to the Qompass Trader Platform and using your single sign in account, you can trade cryptocurrency of your choice. Exchange fees are forwarded directly to the counterparty; with discounts applied for high volume traders.
- Exchange Aggregator
A strong risk calculation engine in Qompass, powered by neural networks and artificial intelligence gives a detailed view on market trends, trading behavior, and overall market sentiments to take advantage in increasing the profitability and limit the risks. We believed speculation must be out of investing.
- Qompass Forecaster
Qompass advisory services help you in spotting the right investment option by providing real time news feed. Any new cryptocurrency must go through exhaustive review criteria before it is suggested to Qompass traders. An inbuilt capability designed using Neural networks and Artificial intelligence to scan major crypto news sites , ICO ratings, social media along with human journalists to feed information into an algorithm that validates a real investment grade asset that has potential to multiply your earnings. The advisory services continues to provide dynamic suggestions on buy and sell based on price action.
- ICO Intelligence
Qompass P2P Exchange and Financing Platform:
- A very well thought functionality that enables you to buy, sell and exchange Cryptocurrencies without a middleman.
- Thus anyone on the platform can be a market maker by setting their own trading rules.
- Using our drag and drop Smart Contract Creator, trust is enforced without the need to rely on a third party.
- To offer high liquidity to our users, Qompass is integrating banks and financial institution into the P2P platform that will offer Crypto to Fiat conversion in real time.
- Like any traditional financial institution, you can also lend Crypto or apply for Fiat loans using crypto as collateral and the interest rates and other terms are set by your fellow community members.
- All these functions like security, loan paybacks, and anonymity are enforced by smart contracts.
- Qompass leadership team is working hard to launch a pilot project in Q3 2019 for the use of traditional assets as collateral for loans on the decentralized platform. We will communicate more details further.

We have developed secure blockchain with smart contracting capabilities to update traditional financial markets, faster transactions, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence to secure explorer, and to speed up transactions.
Limitations of the current blockchain
- Slow, very expensive, and getting worse.
- Easily bloated
- Scaling issues
- Limited smart contracts ( require heavy programing)
Qompass BlockChain
- Secured Decentralised BlockChain Protocol
- Secured Explorer ( no one can spy on your wallet address )
- High Speed > 30000 Transactions per Second ( Scalabled)
- Artificial inteligence ( Monitors Blockchain health and able to Scale as required)
- Smart Contracts ( no programing needed - Drag and Drop Templates)
- Unlimited Nodes ( Each Wallet works to secure the network and increase productivity )
Who benefits from Qompass
- Businesses requiring high transaction speeds
- Payment Processors locally or on a global scale
- Payroll Management - Using Qompass App you can send up to 1000 transactions at once
- Governance
- Escrow
- Financial Institutions
- Business requiring easy to use Smart Contracts
- Banks
- Hedge Funds
- Stock Exchanges

Qompass is introducing a New way to earn passive income on your Crypto investments. Earn up to 300% Per Month on your crypto ( Leveraged , NON leveraged ROI up to 30% - Cryptocurrencies can have swings of over 20% in a day ) . Using advanced Artificial intelligence and Neural network Algorithms combined with active leverage. Investors in the MCA program are able to earn such stress free income on their crypto holdings. This is a service that is traditionally only available to the ulta High net worth investors, it’s a risk free way of investing mainly used in arbitrage trading. An investor’s funds are held in his own account as proof of ability and then the trader mirrors these funds with own assets. This gives the investor peace of mind knowing that his funds are under no risk as funds remain in the same account. The profits are sometimes guaranteed or on best efforts depending on the nature of the trading.

Qompass is introducing this same concept for crypto investors. with the help of smart contracts, funds remain in your own wallet monitored continuously by the smart contract. We will them mirror your funds with our own reserve funds and subscribe you to the Managed crypto program. All profits are deposited in your Qompass wallet and once the smart contract deducts the performance fee and other contractual fees you are then able to withdraw your profits to an external wallet. Subscribers to the Qompass Ico will be able to enter into program at the Ico price of $0.8 per token , others will have to buy in at a higher price.
Current investment and trading platform are centralized where they have control over your funds. They hold your private and public key of your wallet. These platform can disappear with your funds and you could do nothing but scratch your head. Qompass solves the problem where you deposit your funds to a centralized platform which posses risk of disappearance and fraud. Qompass blockchain is totally decentralized where you hold control of your own wallet and that wallet is mirrored with Qompass wallet/account by Qompass API’s and services. (Link from your own wallet to Qompass wallet) . The investor holds his own funds and simply has the account linked to the API for mirroring and monitoring by the smart contract.
Here is how Qompass trading works. Your funds in QPS, ETH, BTC, stays in your own wallet. You use Qompass API VIA Qompass trader to merry your wallet to Qompass trading platform which has mirrored your account with the funds available in your wallet ( an image of your wallet). A snapshot is periodically taken to ensure funds are still present in your wallet as you have to keep funds in your wallet during trading, moving funds will automatically void the contract. Qompass does not have access to funds in your wallet. You can withdraw your funds anytime you want from your original wallet. When you use Qompass trading platform, you cannot move your funds or else your booked trade is terminated. The profits you make from trading is automatically deposited to your trading wallets after the minimal performance fee and other costs. It then enables you to withdraw the amount to your external wallet.
Qompass is introducing a new way of earning passive income on your Crypto deposit. Earn up to 300%(LEVERAGED) OR 30% NON LEVERAGED per month on your deposit. Using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network algorithms combined with active leverage, investors in the MCA program are able to earn a stress-free income on their crypto holdings.

Qompass Management and Developent Team - Mouse Over for Bio

#TokenSale #ICO #QPS
For more information and join QOMPASS social media Please visit link below:
Author: Mbladur
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1809638
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